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Latest update of the MISSOC information (as of July 2023) on national social protection systems now available

11 January 2024

MISSOC, the Mutual Information System on Social Protection, has released its latest update (as of July 2023) of the information on social protection systems in all EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The updated information can be consulted in English, French and German. Access to the database is free and open to all.

To facilitate comparison, the information on the self-employed is progressively being integrated into the comparative database. Concretely, it is being moved to the end of each relevant table (or risk). For example, details on maternity benefits for the self-employed are progressively being moved to the end of Table IV on maternity/paternity. Work on this has started with the July 2023 update and will gradually be extended to cover all periods back to July 2017.